Bio: I am currently a tenure-track faculty at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Prior to that, I obtained my Ph.D. degree in the department of computer science at University of Virginia advised by Prof. David Evans in 2022. I received my M.S. degree from Department of Statistics at University of Virginia and my B.S. degree in Mathematics at Tsinghua University in 2017 and 2015, respectively. I am also a member of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems.

Research Interests: My research covers various topics in machine learning and security, including trustworthy machine learning, statistical machine learning, convex/non-convex optimization and deep learning. Recently, I focus on understanding the misbehavior of machine learning models against different adversaries and designing robust systems for various machine learning applications.

Open Positions: I am looking for self-motivated students who are interested in trustworthy machine learning, including PhD students, research assistants, intern and visiting students. Check Open Positions for more details.


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(2024). Improving the Efficiency of Self-Supervised Adversarial Training through Latent Clustering-based Selection. ICML 2024 NextGenAISafety Workshop.

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(2024). Do Parameters Reveal More than Loss for Membership Inference?. ICML 2024 HiLD Workshop.

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(2024). Stealthy Targeted Backdoor Attacks against Image Captioning. TIFS 2024.

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(2024). AutoDefense: Multi-Agent LLM Defense against Jailbreak Attacks. ArXiv.

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